SalesSense announced as Irish Sales Champions for fourth year running

SalesSense, Ireland’s leading sales and service partner has been awarded ‘Champion Field Sales Manager’ and ‘Field Sales Champion’ at the Irish Sales Champion Awards 2017.

The ceremony, held at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, saw SalesSense recognised for superior sales performance for the fourth year running with four nominations and two massive wins. It commended both Margaret Kelleher, Regional Sales Manager for Bord Gais and Mark McCloskey, Regional Sales Manager for Vodafone for performance excellence throughout the previous year.


Ger Teahon, CEO of SalesSense said:
“I am delighted and very proud of our four nominations at the Irish Sales Champion Awards. Winning in two categories was a fantastic achievement and testament to all the work and commitment of our field sales and Customer Engagement Centre teams. Special thanks to all our partners especially Vodafone, Bord Gais and Topaz who were nominated with us on the night, for their ongoing support.”

The 7th Annual Irish Sales Champion Awards celebrate the competitive spirit, ingenuity and tenacity of Irish sales personnel on the front line. Those who chase every sale; commit to developing their skill; laugh in the face of adversity; take on every challenge with the will to win. The Awards acknowledged all those who contribute to their organisation’s sales success.






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