Will Teamwork change in the new normal



We are all talking about the new normal and I know that this means very different things to different people. For me this has been a period of reflection, thinking about how lucky we are in so many ways that we have had the technology to allow us to adapt in our own lives. This has also ensured that we have not lost sight of the immense bravery of those who are working tirelessly to protect us in beating this strange enemy.

It has been so important to stay in touch and I have been thinking about some of the great people I’ve worked with in SalesSense over the years. If they read this article, I’m sure they will also be reflecting on a new normal for me! In the past 10 years I have seen colleagues move to London, Sydney, Toronto and Melbourne, arguably the four corners of the world, and admired as their careers have developed to the highest level. One of our mantras is that people make the difference and when I think about how these former colleagues have embodied its spirit, I immediately begin thinking about The SalesSense Way. This is our set of values that drives the way we work and the way we engage with our customers, and of these values it is perhaps Teamwork that is most relevant at a time like this. I wonder how much this value still influences our alumni.

My SalesSense Way is defined by the strong bonds I have made which in turn have led to lasting friendships with both current and past employees. The values instilled in me on my SalesSense journey have moulded and developed me into the person I have become both personally and professionally. Teamwork plays a vital role in every company, but in SalesSense it is truly pivotal and the reason I am proud to be part of such a team. In these uncertain times it is more important than ever that we stay connected.

I hope you are all safe and well and practising the value of Teamwork no matter where your careers have taken you.




