A milestone date as SalesSense celebrates 15 years in business


October 2021 is a noteworthy landmark in our journey as SalesSense celebrates 15 years in business. To mark this, I wanted to take the opportunity to recognise some of the accomplishments and successes we have had over the years. There is little that we would have achieved without the drive and determination of all our colleagues both past and present, together with our key partners without whom this success story would not have been possible. Collectively you have all helped shape SalesSense to become the company it is and to reach the level and standards it prides itself on today. Wherever you are today be you a current or former colleague in Ventry or Vancouver, Sydney or Sligo, well done and thank you. To our Partners big and small that we have worked with in Energy, Telecoms, Med-Tech, Transport, Logistics, Media and Security, we fully appreciate your custom and look forward to further expansion over the coming years in Partnership across Ireland, the UK and the USA.


Recently as part of this celebration I interviewed Ger our Chief Executive and founder, to get his thoughts on our growth and evolution over the years and to understand what he feels when he looks back on the progress we have all made together.


AM: How did SalesSense start off?

GT: SalesSense began as there was an opportunity to do something different that would shake up the industry and I was confident we could be better than what was out there at the time. I wanted to create the type of company where people were more than just a number. A business where people could develop and lead regardless of where they were from or what school they went to. A business where people succeeded on merit. I wanted to build a culture around this.


AM: How would you describe the vision and culture in SalesSense?

GT: I really believe that our values of Teamwork, Inspire and Excellence are acted upon and the results of hard work and dedication come to the fore. Integrity, trust, team, honesty, ambition, motivation, belief, there are loads of words that for me fall under our values. We started as a business and our culture was – you work hard and you get rewarded. As it has happened, we can also add that you work smart and that there will be fun! Our shared vision is to become the best at what we do, not to accept mediocrity and to keep striving to make the good great through strong investment in Learning and Development for our people, continuous innovation through technology and working with clients that want to partner in the true sense of the word.


AM: What is the one specific thing that you would attribute to the success of the company or our biggest strength?

GT: Our people. Not just the people that are here now but the people that helped to get us here. Everyone that has worked for SalesSense over 15 years in business has left a legacy that has allowed us to build bigger and better. We had to fight for every break we got. I don\’t think SalesSense has ever gotten lucky. Our Senior Management Team drive us on, they run the business. I might still have a hand in guiding the ship today, but the team are at the wheel. There are some incredible success stories of SalesSense people both past and present. People that started with us or grew with us and carved out great careers both within SalesSense and further afield. The SalesSense alumni has always been a great supporter but is also a great measure of success. Nobody likes when good people move on from a business, but we are always proud to watch how our people grow and influence other businesses when they leave, strange as that may seem. I genuinely believe everybody that\’s been in SalesSense who has had success has had to work very hard to get there. The reason we\’ve been successful has been because of the people, nothing else.


AM: That\’s a very heart-warming salute and acknowledgment to the hard work and dedication of our past employees who may be reading this. How much has the vision for the company changed since 2006 and what does success look like for SalesSense in another 10yrs?

GT: I never thought of what the business would become, I thought of success and what success will look like next year and the year after that. SalesSense has changed and expanded dramatically over the past 15 years in business. Our vision and culture have remained the same but our own potential as a business has grown higher and in turn our agility and strategy allow us deliver to our clients what is required and generally exceed expectations. We have grown in confidence as a business and today we can stand and say, “This is who we are, this is what we do and this is what we deliver”. We are extremely committed as a company to continuously strive and evolve to be able to meet the needs of existing clients whilst also endeavouring to meet the needs of future clients and improve overall customer experience. We will continue to do what we know best and that will nurture the path the SalesSense Journey will take over the next 10yrs.


As Ger describes, SalesSense is very much a people centric organisation with one of our core values being Teamwork, this mantra has always been embodied by our people. The idea that people make the difference has been a constant since 2006 and continues to be our focus. Over the years I picked up the mantle of the unofficial owner of our alumni community, and through my contact with former colleagues I am constantly reminded of the high regard in which they continue to hold their time with the company. Ger spoke about his belief that everybody who has been successful, has had to work hard to get there, which is something that I am sure we all take pride in reading. He sees the success of SalesSense as an evolution that involved the efforts of all our people both past and present. In a sense we all take pride in our colleagues in SalesSense that have continued to progress through the business and put their stamp on its improvement, but we also take pride in the successes of our people that have flown the nest and delivered on different stages.

If the uncertainty of the past two years has taught us one thing, it is the importance to stop and celebrate the journey. I am sure you will join me in congratulating both Ger and all of us at SalesSense for what we have achieved in an exciting first 15 years.



