Field Sales Management – Investing in Yourself



Field Sales Management – The time you spend travelling is an investment in yourself

Even in a year as strange as 2020, that time is upon us when the Leaving Certificate results are out. There are lots of decisions being made by young people all over Ireland, and although it’s several years since I finished school, I remember it vividly. For many the next step is third level education. But for some the call to travel is strong, albeit currently overshadowed by COVID-19. I decided to share my experiences in Field Sales Management in this article, as it took a few twists and turns before I figured out what was right for me.


When I completed the Leaving Certificate the IT sector was booming, and in hindsight this guided my CAO application. When the results came out I duly found myself studying Manufacturing Technology, and when I graduated my first role was in a multinational technology company. So far so predictable. The trouble was that I was also working part-time as a barman and I really loved the customer interaction and meeting new people. I had a problem – how could I bring myself to change direction? I decided to take time out and reconciled that travelling would allow me to continue working in the bar trade.


I started in New York City and later moved to the desert city of Phoenix, Arizona. Travelling solo, I became more confident & independent. I was surprised at how easily I could adapt to different situations and I met amazing people from all walks of life along the way. After America, I went to work in Hilversum in the Netherlands. In a country with English as a second language, it taught me the importance of clear communication, something that I constantly remind myself of to this day.


Fast forward to my mid-Thirties. Back now in Ireland, the imminent arrival of my daughter meant I was looking for a career change. Just as it was when I was 18, the process was daunting. A role in Field Sales began jumping out at me. My overseas experience of interacting with strangers meant I felt very comfortable with the idea, and furthermore the international management experience I had gained would stand to me in my new career. So here I am five years on, SalesSense International, focusing on the Energy market in the UK. The experiences I have gained around the globe combined with our company values of Teamwork Inspiring Excellence are helping to build a unique culture as we develop our sales and services teams at our first UK hub in Leeds. I’ve been fortunate to learn from some of the best in the business and I hope that I can play my part in helping my new colleagues to shape their careers.


I believe that life is shaped by our experiences. The more we have, the more well-rounded we become, and the more we learn about ourselves, the better equipped we are to make life or career choices. For me travelling was the key.



