Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

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  • SalesSense CPC DP Summary

    [embeddoc url=\”https://salessense.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/2022-11-30-SalesSense-Summary-CBI-CPC-DP.docx\” viewer=\”microsoft\”] https://salessense.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/2022-11-30-SalesSense-CPC-DP-Summary.pdf

  • Next Generation Cloud Solutions Seminar a Huge Success

      Visitors to the SalesSense Customer Engagement Centre, Dundalk SalesSense recently hosted a CCMA event in conjunction with its technology partners, 8×8, with the objective of helping firms futureproof their customer service and sales with next generation cloud solutions. Some of the key challenges facing the contact service industry were 50% of revenue in 2026…

  • SalesSense Attains UK’s Cyber Essentials Security Certification

    Cyber Security Background In an era of daily cyber-attacks in both the public and private sector, SalesSense decided to go through the process of getting Cyber Essentials certified by the National Cyber Security Centre in the UK. These daily global cyber-attacks include malware such as trojans and ransomware, phishing, password attacks, denial of access attacks,…

  • Celebrating our ISO standards of 9001, 14001 and 27001

    As a partner company, SalesSense spends a lot of time looking to the future with our clients. In our Operating Model the “Innovate” stage is crucial in ensuring the long-term success of our customer relationships. This is  particularly important as the lack of innovation is the most cited reason in our industry as to why…

  • SalesSense\’s Sustainability Endeavours Recognised by the International Standards Organisation

    SalesSense is delighted to announce, as a direct result of its sustainability endeavours in designing and implementing a state-of-the-art Environmental Management System, it has achieved the prestigious ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification. ”For SalesSense and our partners, leaving the planet in a better place for future generations is a key priority. The attainment of ISO…

  • SalesSense Achieves ISO 27001 Accreditation

    While everyone was eating tins of roses for breakfast and watching Home Alone for the 67th time, SalesSense were having an ISO 27001 second stage audit two days before Christmas. What is ISO 27001? ISO 27001 is an international accreditation for companies who are implementing best practice in regards information security. Achieving this rigorous standard…

  • SOS² – How “Sales Oriented Service, Service Oriented Sales” is changing the landscape of CX

    \”It’s a customer first approach which we deliver by empowering our team members. We want to exceed expectations across every channel.\” Gerard Teahon, CEO Talking about and delivering good customer experience are generally two very different things. For many organisations Sales and Service are distinct offerings delivered by different functions in the business. This split…

  • Microsoft Ireland Customer Success for SalesSense and Storm

    Microsoft Ireland Customer Success stories are widely acknowledged as examples of best practice, and the Microsoft Partner community works hard to elevate its case studies to this level of recognition. Each year in December Microsoft runs an Advent calendar over the 24 days from December 1st to Christmas Eve, featuring a different Customer Success story…

  • CCMA Awards success for SalesSense

    CCMA Awards Winners are the envy of their peers and against strong competition in the 2021 competition Ciara Reel emerged as winner of the prestigious Team Leader of the Year Award. On a night of high drama SalesSense held its collective breath having been shortlisted for no less than 10 categories. In addition to Ciara’s…

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