Category: News

  • ISO Quality Processes in a work from home world

      For SalesSense, March 2020 has seen our Customer Engagement Centre teams en masse working remotely from home. Like everything, it came with pros and cons. No travel time (great!), no childproof home office when you have a live meeting with your client (not so great!). But what does this new way of working mean…

  • Customer Engagement- COVID-19 as a catalyst for change

      Working as a data scientist in a busy customer engagement centre, if this pandemic has taught me one lesson it is about the freedom which we have always taken for granted. Why did we need a global pandemic to make us appreciate what we already have? In less than one business quarter of working…

  • Driving a safe path for your fleet in a post C19 world

    As Ireland commences its phased return to work from 18th May,  we can look to how China began to ease some of its restrictions to get a glimpse of what effect lockdown has had on its population and what will be required for us in the post C19 world as we try to embed our…

  • The future of D2D in Outsourced Sales

      COVID-19 has ‘fundamentally changed’ Ireland’s economic landscape, with GDP expected to fall by 10.5% this year as the country enters a ‘severe recession.” Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe. We are all wondering about the ripple effect of the current pandemic on the economy, certain in the knowledge that it will be felt for months…

  • Will Teamwork change in the new normal

      We are all talking about the new normal and I know that this means very different things to different people. For me this has been a period of reflection, thinking about how lucky we are in so many ways that we have had the technology to allow us to adapt in our own lives.…

  • SalesSense supports the Junior Entrepreneur Programme

    SalesSense is delighted to support the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) for the second year running by launching an outreach campaign with a team of five new recruits to spread awareness of the deserving initiative to schools across Ireland! JEP is an entrepreneurial awareness and skills enhancement programme for Primary School children. The programme aims to…

  • SalesSense announced as Irish Sales Champions for fourth year running

    SalesSense, Ireland’s leading sales and service partner has been awarded ‘Champion Field Sales Manager’ and ‘Field Sales Champion’ at the Irish Sales Champion Awards 2017. The ceremony, held at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, saw SalesSense recognised for superior sales performance for the fourth year running with four nominations and two massive wins. It commended…